
Wikipedia - Barry Kamen
Barry Kamen began his career as a model in his late teens. After a chance meeting with pioneer stylist Ray Petri in the early 1980s, both Barry and his brother Nick Kamen became members of the Buffalo movement led by Petri, and became his muses.
Galeria Choque Cultural - Narcélio Grud
Narcélio Grud nasceu em Teresina, no estado do Piauí, em 1976, e vive em Fortaleza, Ceará. Sobre sua adolescência na cidade de Pacajus, Ceará, Narcélio se define como um “garoto-problema”. Expulso de onze colégios locais, sempre esteve envolvido nas atividades da contracultura, participou de bandas de rock, de turmas de skate, graffiti, pichação, fanzines, quadrinhos e teatro de bonecos.
postROOM website
Through painstakingly crafted carbon tracings and drawings, Chris Shaw Hughes documents important geographical terrains and significant historical snapshots that are at once both visually arresting and thought provoking. His highly detailed work captures moments of tension that are often overexposed in the news media, and asks us to reflect on their meaning in greater depth.
Essay on Hélio Oiticica
An original text for Saturated Space by Time Out Art Critic Florence Woodfield. Through the essay, an exploration is traversed of Hélio Oiticica's installation 'Magic Square No.5' as a non-object, a test case in colour as structure, and key agent in the formation of experience, pleasure, delight and surprise.
Essay on Orovida Camille Pissarro
Orovida Camille Pissarro, born in Epping in 1893, came into the world with a name already endowed with considerable art-historical weight. The only daughter to Lucien Pissarro (the eldest of Camille Pissarro’s seven children) and Esther Pissarro (née Bensusan), she was the only grandchild of Camille Pissarro to be born during his lifetime.
Essay on Rita Kerrn-Larsen for Christie's - 2016
Surrealist Pa1ntings by Rita Kernn-Larsen· At the opening of the exh1b1t1on, the artist wore a surrealist-style hat complete w1th l1ttle bells and porridge oats, wh1ch fluttered down as she moved.
Essay on Francoise Gilot for Christie's - 2016
A true pioneer oi Modernism. Francoise Gilot had early ambitions to be a painter, contrary to pressure from her agronomist father. Having met Picasso in Paris in 1943, Gilot became his longterm partner and muse, and mother to couple's two children, Claude and Paloma.